Összes oldalmegjelenítés

2013. október 20., vasárnap

Árvíz Győr 2013

Képek a 2013-as győri árvízről.

Alaphelyzetben az árvíz utáni helyzet látható a képeken, de ha az egeret egy kép fölé viszed, meglátod milyen volt ugyanaz a helyszín az árvíz tetőzése utáni órákban.

Jó szórakozást!

2011. október 31., hétfő

7. Animal / Pet

Similarly to Marek, I thought the zoo was the best place to shoot animal pictures. It was also a nice play with my relatively new 70-200 mm f2.8 lens. I'm amazed by the quality of this piece of glass. Look at this one (it is directly from the camrea, no Photoshop at all):

There were smaller animals,

there were bigger ones:

But none of them looked like a beast. Few weeks later, early in the morning I saw a real predator: our kitty-cat capturing a mouse in the garden:

2011. október 30., vasárnap

6. Creek/River

I didn't have too much time - as usual - to shoot a creek or a river, but when I was close to a forest I  had a 10 minute walk and found this little creek:

You may know that Győr is a city of rivers. On the next picture, you can see how two rivers join:

5. Spooky

I'd been thinking a lot how to come up with something special. Then I had an idea, but haven't executed it, yet. I still might, though, so I reserve the place for it...

2011. május 15., vasárnap

4. Food (I ate this)

It is one of our favorite salads. It's starts as a greek salad, but then it is improved further. Not only tasty, but also looks nice.

2011. április 16., szombat

3. Body

It looks we had similar problems to find a good subject for this theme. I don't think you'd be interested if I showed myself, my wife would never agree to post her picture and showing my daughter is a crime. So I started to think wider. There are other bodies then human. Here you have one:

Then I continued thinking and decided to upload a picture of my own body. Honza and Marek were not brave enough to show their entire body, but I am. And I show it naked!

So, please make sure, your children are out of room!

Only scroll further if you are sure you are prepared!


Here we go!

My body: